About KC Clinical Solutions

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Heather Kirby founded Kirby Creative Clinical Solutions, LLC (KCCS) on the principle that “talk therapy” is not always the most effective avenue for change. Often, we are at a loss to express with words the deep hurt, trauma, fear, depression or anxiety that prevents us from moving forward. Sometimes we cannot explain why we continue to engage in problematic behaviors, even when we know that they no longer serve us.

For many people, particularly teenagers, talking about problems is not always appealing. However, through music, art, recreation, sand tray, gestalt and equine therapy we can access the inner strength that unleashes our intuitive wisdom and leads to healing and change. In addition, when we employ alternative therapeutic approaches, self-discovery can even be FUN!!

KCCS offers both traditional and alternative therapies. We specialize in working with parents, along with their tweens, teens and young adults. We offer individual and family therapy and a variety of support groups. We believe strongly in the power of community and connection and develop groups to provide that for those otherwise feeling rather isolated.

Currently, all services are provided virtually.
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Groups Currently Available:

For young adults moving toward independence…

All young adult groups utilize the KCCS curriculum known as S.A.L.S.A. (Self-Awareness Leads to Self-Advocacy)

• A women’s only group

• A co-ed group

• A group for trans/non-binary young adults

For teenagers exploring gender, separate groups serve…

• Grades 6 & 7

• Grades 8 & 9

• Grades 10 & 11

• Grades 12 and recent HS grads

For Parents of teens and young adults with gender identity issues…

• 4-week Education Series to learn the fundamentals of gender and how to be supportive

• Gender Journey support group for parents who have completed the education series and want more on-going support

• Medical Transition Group for parents whose kids are going through medical transition